Our History
Our Vision on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
At Noralle we preserve and create wealth for our clients and for society in a sustainable way. Our commitment to inclusion and diversity goes hand in hand with our ambition to contribute to a sustainable and more inclusive world. We firmly believe that to do so effectively we need to foster an inclusive workplace where everyone’s unique contributions are valued and where we optimize our combined talents.
Making diversity dynamic
For Noralle, diversity is about something fundamentally different than managing numbers and reporting on KPIs. Similarly, reflecting society is not an end in and of itself. Such a ‘static’ interpretation of diversity does not do justice to what it should be about making diversity dynamic by unlocking its potential to the benefit of our employees, our clients, our partners, and society as a whole.
Giving meaning to inclusion and diversity therefore requires more than steering by numbers. For us it is about striving to make inclusion and diversity work for our entire organisation, and hence all of our stakeholders.
An inclusive environment
Unlocking the potential of diversity first and foremost requires the creation of an inclusive environment where the distinctive qualities of each individual are welcomed and valued.
To achieve this, it requires each person in a leadership position to value, recognize, and embrace diversity while at the same time having the know-how to address and facilitate it in an inspiring way. It requires our teams they leverage the unique qualities of every member to activate the team’s full potential.
- Diversity is the variety of people and ideas within an organization.
- Equity is about eliminating systemic barriers and privileges, and ensuring all people have fair access, opportunity, resources, and power to thrive.
- Inclusion is about creating an environment in which all individuals feel valued and connected.
Benefits of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion to both the Business and Employee
Research has linked improvements in diversity and inclusion to better business performance, responsiveness to customer needs, and team collaboration. Diversity on its own will not necessarily deliver positive results. The key ingredient that transforms the theoretical business case for diversity into bottom-line results is inclusion.
Organizations with inclusive cultures are:
- 2x as likely to meet or exceed targets
- 3x as likely to be high-performing
- 6x as likely to be innovative and agile
- 8x more likely to achieve better business outcomes
While there is growing recognition of how critical diversity and inclusion are to business performance, the importance of equity cannot be ignored. The challenge lies in translating the recognition of the value of diversity and inclusion, into impactful actions and equitable outcomes.

Our Ambition: To Grow Into An Increasingly Diverse Organisation
In recent years we have been giving more attention to the broader topic of inclusion and diversity. We believe an inclusive culture will go a long way towards improving diversity and vice versa.
Our workforce – including our international colleagues – is becoming more diverse and our employee’s perception of inclusion, according to our employee engagement survey, has significantly grown over the past years. From this perspective, we are on the right track, but it is only the beginning of our journey.
Focus helps us to make choices. This means that we do not try to do everything at once but first establish the fundamental basics when it comes to fostering an inclusive and diverse organization. From a gender perspective, we acknowledge that we have work to do. That is why our current focus is to strive to increase the percentage of women in our top levels, our senior management levels, and all other levels throughout the organization. We intend to use the knowledge and experience we gain in working towards achieving gender balance to also improve other aspects of diversity at Noralle. In the coming years, we aim to build on our accumulated experiences with minority groups to grow into an increasingly diverse organization.
This policy lays out Noralle’s vision on diversity, equity & inclusion, while simultaneously outlining the concrete steps that we are committed to taking in order to make this vision a reality.
We structurally embed safe spaces in order that our colleagues feel safe to speak out in case they experience inappropriate behaviour. We have systems in place, both internally and externally, to prevent, report and address complaints – and we actively take steps to both engage our colleagues in dialogue and to remove any barriers to speaking up.
Winning through Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: taking bold action
Diversity winners recognise equality and a sense of fairness of opportunity as key areas of attention in promoting inclusion, and hence retaining and advancing diverse talent. They attend to this both in terms of leadership mindsets, behaviour and capabilities, as described above, and through de-biasing talent processes, primarily in relation to advancement and equal pay.
These companies start by building transparency into the extent to which their organisations are true meritocracies today, and where the impact of traditional notions of privilege are understood, and employees are promoted on skill and potential, regardless of their ethnicity, gender
or other identity attributes.
Foster belonging through unequivocal support for multivariate diversity
We are increasingly extending our scope for action beyond traditional diversity and inclusion goals to include fostering a sense of belonging among all their employees, and particularly among diverse employees. This aims to create a culture which not only emphasises equality and openness, but in which employees feel that they can contribute their unique talents, that these talents are valued by their managers, teams and the wider organisation, and that they can bring their full selves to work.
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