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December 2021

  /  2021

Home sales have cooled lately, raising some doubts about the economic recovery; but is this just a pause in buyer confidence? We look at the fundamentals.The red-hot Australian housing market, a pillar of the economic recovery thus far, has shown signs of cooling, prompting some investors to wonder whether this cycle has peaked.Causes for concern abound. The Australian Commerce Department recently reported a 5.9%

As part of its ongoing commitment to advance racial and economic equity, Noralle’s new Next Level Fund invests in early-stage technology companies with women and diverse members on the founding teams.To help close the funding gap for multicultural and women-owned businesses, Noralle Investment Management and the firm’s Multicultural Client Strategy Group are launching a new fund to invest in startups

Noralle commits to mobilizing $251 million by 2030 for sustainable solutions that include helping prevent and mitigate climate change.Noralle commits to mobilizing $251 million by 2030 for sustainable solutions that include helping prevent and mitigate climate change.Public health emergencies, social and economic inequality, and the ramifications of climate change stand among the most immediate and pressing global issues of our

Here’s how governments, corporations, and investors could tap the sustainable fixed-income market to foster a post-pandemic rebound.In addition to healthcare inequality, the COVID-19 pandemic also helped underscore the importance of social justice and creating a livable and sustainable environment in diverse communities. As a result, some non-profits, governments, companies, and investors hope to address these issues as part of a

Surging demand for digital products and services is giving rise to a breed of companies facilitating cloud computing and data automation. Could their consolidated market share rival that of today’s tech blue chips?A year after the pandemic sent the world into lockdown, many of the sectors that met the critical needs of remote work and socially distanced living have emerged